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Recent Publications


  1. Duris, J., Musumeci, P., Sudar, N., Murokh, A., & Gover, A. (2018). Tapering enhanced stimulated superradiant oscillator. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 21(8), 080705.

  2. Curry, E., Fabbri, S., Maxson, J., Musumeci, P., & Gover, A. (2017). “Relativistic electron beam acceleration in a zero-slippage terahertz-driven Inverse Free Electron Laser scheme”. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.06385.

  3. E. Curry, S. Fabbri, P. Musumeci, A. Gover, “Simulation of 3-D effects in THz-based phase space manipulation”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 865 pp.67-70 (2017).

  4. A. Gover, R.  Ianconescu, A. Friedman, C. Emma, P. Musumeci, “COHERENT EMISSION FROM A BUNCHED ELECTRON BEAM: SUPER-RADIANCE AND STIMULATED-SUPER-RADIANCE in a uniform and tapered wiggler FEL”, NIMA 865, pp. 25-31 (2017).

  5. A. Gover, Y. Pan, "Dimension-Dependent Stimulated Radiative Interaction of a Single Electron Quantum Wavepacket", Phys. Lett. A 382, pp. 1550-1555 (2018).

  6. Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and stimulated radiative emission of modulated Free Electron Quantum wavepackets - Semiclassical analysis", (2018).

  7. Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and stimulated radiative emission of modulated Free Electron Quantum wavepackets - Semiclassical analysis", J. of Physics communications, 2 115026 (2018).

  8. E. Curry, S. Fabbri, J. Maxson, P. Musumeci, A. Gover, " Meter-Scale Terahertz-Driven acceleration of a relativistic beam", PRL 120, 094801 (2018).

  9.  A. Nause, R. Ianconescu, A.Gover, “Correlated electron beam micro bunching and shot-noise characterization with near-and far-field optical transition radiation”, J. of Optical Society B, 35, (11) pp. 2869-2875, (2018).

  10. H. Marks, A. Gover, "Talbot effect mm-wave resonator for an electrostatic accelerator FEL", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 66, no. 1  (2018).

  11. Cheng, Qingqing, Yiming Pan, Huaiqiang Wang, Chaoshi Zhang, Dong Yu, Avi Gover, Haijun Zhang, Tao Li, Lei Zhou, and Shining Zhu. "Observation of anomalous π modes in photonic Floquet engineering." Physical review letters 122, no. 17 (2019): 173901.

  12. A. Gover, Y. Pan, “Stimulated radiation interaction of a single electron quantum wavepacket”, arXiv1702.06394 22.2.17

  13.  Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and Stimulated Emissions of Quantum Free-Electron Wavepackets - QED Analysis", ArXiv (2018).

  14. Snively, E. C., Xiong, J., Musumeci, P., & Gover, A. “Broadband THz amplification and superradiant spontaneous emission in a guided FEL”. Optics express, 27(15), 20221-20230. (2019).

  15. Y. Pan, B. Zhang, A. Gover, "Anomalous photon-induced near-field electron microscopy" PRL 122, 183204 (2019); 

  16. D. Bar-Lev, R.J. England, K.P. Wootton, W. Liu, A. Gover, , R. Byer, K. J. Leedle, D. Black, J. Scheuer, "Design of a plasmonic metasurface laser accelerator with a tapered phase velocity for subrelativistic particles" PRST-AB 22 021303, (2019).

  17.  Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and stimulated emissions of preformed quantum Free Electron wavefunction", Phys. Rev. A.99, 052107 (2019).

  18. A. Gover, R.  Ianconescu, A. Friedman, C. Emma, N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, C. Pellegrini, "Superradiant and stimulated superradiant emission of bunched electron beams", Reviews of Modern Physics (2019

  19. Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Beyond Fermi's golden rule in Free Electron quantum electrodynamics: acceleration/radiation correspondence", (2019).

  20.  Y. Pan, E. Cohen, E. Karimi, A. Gover, I. Kaminer, Y. Aharonov "Weak measurement, projective measurement and quantum-to-classical transitions in electron-photon interactions”, submitted for publication to Nature Physics, Sept. 2019, arXiv:1910.11685

  21. Cheng, Qingqing, Yiming Pan, Huaiqiang Wang, Chaoshi Zhang, Dong Yu, Avi Gover, Haijun Zhang, Tao Li, Lei Zhou, and Shining Zhu. "Observation of anomalous π modes in photonic Floquet engineering." Physical review letters 122, no. 17 (2019): 173901.

  22. Gover Avraham, and Amnon Yariv. "Free-electron–bound-electron resonant interaction." Physical Review Letters 124.6 064801 (2020):.

  23. Ran, D., Zhang, B., Chen, Y.H., Shi, Z.C., Xia, Y., Ianconescu, R., Scheuer, J. and Gover, A.,. Pulse reverse-engineering for strong field-matter interaction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01828 (2020).

  24.  Ran, D., Zhang, B., Chen, Y.H., Shi, Z.C., Xia, Y., Ianconescu, R., Scheuer, J. and Gover, A., “Effective pulse reverse-engineering for strong field-matter interaction”, Optics Letters Vol 45, pp. 3597-3600, (2020).

  25. Gover A, Zhang B, Ran D, Ianconescu R, Friedman A, Scheuer J, Yariv A. Resonant Interaction of Modulation-correlated Quantum Electron Wavepackets with Bound Electron States. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.15756. 2020 Oct 29.

  26. Gover, Avraham, and Amnon Yariv. "Gover and Yariv Reply." Physical Review Letters 126.1 (2021): 019502.

  27. Zhang, B., Ran, D., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2021). Quantum Wave-Particle Duality in Free-Electron–Bound-Electron Interaction. Physical Review Letters, 126(24), 244801.

  28. Pan, Yiming, and Avraham Gover. "Beyond Fermi’s golden rule in free-electron quantum electrodynamics: acceleration/radiation correspondence." New Journal of Physics 23.6 (2021): 063070.

  29. Zhang, B., Ran, D., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2021). Quantum states interrogation using a pre-shaped free electron wavefunction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13130.

  30. Zhang, B., Ran, D., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A.  Quantum states interrogation using a pre-shaped free electron wavefunction. Physical Review Research (2022)

  31. Ran, D., Zhang, B., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2022). Coherent excitation of bound electron quantum state with quantum electron wavepackets. Frontiers in Physics, 547.

  32. Y. Pan, E. Cohen, E. Karimi, A. Gover, I. Kaminer, Y. Aharonov "Weak measurement, projective measurement and quantum-to-classical transitions in electron-photon interactions”, accepted for publication to Light Science and Applications Nature, Nov. 2022, arXiv:1910.11685

All Publications

  1. A. Gover, I. Grinberg, A. Seidman, "Computation of Bipolar Transistor Base Parameters for General Distribution of Impurities in the Base", IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, ED-19; 967-975, 1972.

  2. A. Gover, P. Stella, "Vertical Multi-Junction Solar Cell One Dimensional Analysis", IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Ed-21: 351-356, 1974.

  3. A. Gover, A. Yariv, "Monolithic Solid State Traveling Wave Amplifier", J. App. Phys. 45; 2596-2600, 1974.

  4. A. Gover, K. Burrell, A. Yariv, "Solid State Traveling Wave Amplifications in the Collisionless Regime", J. Appl. Phys. 45; 4847-4851, 1974.

  5. A. Yariv, A. Gover, "Distributed Feedback X-ray Lasers in Single Crystals", VI Intl. Quantum Electronic Conf. in San Francisco, 1974; IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, QE-10, 779, 1974. CONFERENCE?

  6. A. Yariv, A. Gover, "Equivalence of the Coupled-mode and Floquet-Bloch Formalisms in Periodic Optical Waveguides", Appl. Phys. Lett. 26: 537-539, 1975.

  7. I. Samid, C. P. Lee, A. Gover, A. Yariv, "Embedded Heterostructure Epitaxy: A Technique for Two-dimensional Thin Film Definition", Appl. Phys. Lett. 27: 405-407, 1975.

  8. A. Gover, A. Yariv, "Intraband Radiative Transitions and Plasma Electromagnetic Wave Coupling in Periodic Semiconductor Structure", J. Appl. Phys. 46; 3946-3950, 1975.

  9. A. Gover, A. Gaash, "Experimental Model Aid for Planar Design of Transistor Characteristics in Integrated Circuits", Solid State Electronics, 19, 125-127, 1976.

  10. A. Gover, C. P. Lee, A. Yariv, "Direct Transmission of pictorial Information in Multimode Optical fiber”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 66, 306-311, 1976.

  11. C.P. Lee, I. Samid, A. Gover, A. Yariv, "Low Threshold Room Temperature Embedded Heterostructure Injection Lasers", Appl. Phys. Lett. 29, 365-367 (1976).

  12. A. Gover, A. Yariv, P. Yeh, "Prospective of Free Electron Lasers", VII International Quantum Electronics Conf. 1976; Optics Communications, 18, 221-222 (1976).

  13. C.P. Lee, A. Gover, S. Margalit, I. Samid and A. Yariv, “Barrier Controlled Low Threshold pnpn GaAs Heterostructure Lasers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 30, 535-538 (1977).

  14. A. Gover, A. Yariv, "Collective and Single Electron Interactions of electron beams with Electromagnetic Waves and Free Electron Lasers” (invited paper) Appl. Physics 16, 121-138 (1978).

  15. A. Gover, Z. Livni, "Operation Regimes of Cerenkov-Smith-Purcell Free Electron Lasers and T. W. Amplifiers", Optics Communications, 26, 375-380 (1978).

  16. A. Gover, "The Operation Regimes of Cerenkov Smith-Purcell and TW Amplifiers", J. of the Opt. Soc. of America 68, 629-630 (1978); 10th International Quantum Electronics Conference.

  17. A. Gover, "An Analysis of Stimulated Longitudinal Electrostatic Bremsstrahlung in a Free Electron Laser Structure", Appl. Phys.  23, 295-298 (1980).

  18. A. Gover, “A Predicted Effect of Mode Cooperation and White Light Lasing in Warm Beam Free Electron Lasers”, Optics Letters, 5, 525-527 (1980).

  19. A. Gover, P. Sprangle, “A Generalized Formulation of Free Electron Lasers in the Low Gain Regime Including Transverse Velocity Spread and Wiggler Incoherence”, J. Appl. Phys., 52, 599-604 (1981).

  20. A. Gover and P. Sprangle, “A Unified Theory of Magnetic-Bremsstrahlung, Electrostatic Bremsstrahlung, Compton-Raman Scattering and Cerenkov-Smith Purcell Free Electron Lasers”, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, QE-17, 1196-1215 (1981).

  21. A. Gover, C. M. Tang, P. Sprangle, “Feasibility of DC to Visible High Power Conversion Employing a Stimulated Compton Free Electron Laser with a waveguided CO2 Laser Pump wave and an Axial Electric Field”, J. Appl. Phys., 53, 124-129  (1982).

  22. A. Gover, “Parametric Interaction and Backward Oscillation in Stimulated Compton Scattering”, Optics-Communications 45, 281-284 (1983).

  23. Y. Carmel, V. L. Granatstein, A. Gover, “Demonstration of a Two Stage Backward Wave Oscillation Free Electron Laser”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 566-569 (1983).

  24. S. Cuperman, F. Petran and A. Gover, “Electromagnetic Instabilities Supported by a Rippled Magnetically Focused Relativistic Electron Beam”, J. Plasma Physics, 31, 239-251 (1984).

  25. A. Gover, P. Dvorkis, U. Elisha, “A Study of the Angular Radiation Pattern of Smith Purcell Radiation”, J. of the Optical Soc. of Am. B, 1, 723-728 (1984).

  26. S. Ruschin, A. Friedman, A. Gover, “The Nonlinear Interaction Between an Electron and Multimode Fields in an Electromagnetically Pumped Free Electron Laser”, IEEE J. Quant. Elecs. QE-20, 1079-1085 (1984).

  27. A.M. Fauchet, J. Feinstein, A. Gover and R. H. Pantell, “Visible and Ultra Violet Radiation Generation Using a Gas Loaded Free Electron Laser” IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics QE-20, 1332-1341 (1984).

  28. S. Ruschin, R. Zelinger and A. Gover, “Two Line Operation of a CO2 transversely excited atmospheric pressure laser by means of a Bifurcating Cavity”, J. of Appl. Phys. 57, 2654-2655 (1985).

  29. A. Gover, S. Ruschin, R. Olshan, H. Kleinman, A. Friedman and B. Steinberg, “Investigation of Nonrelativistic Electron Beam Trapping in a Compton Scattering Free Electron Laser Scheme”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A237 225-233, (1985).

  30. A. Gover and E. Jerby, “The Axial Velocity Spread Acceptance Parameter of Free Electron Lasers and its use in X-Ray FEL Design”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A237 335-342, (1985).  

  31. I. Schnitzer and A. Gover, “The Prebunched Free Electron Laser in Various Operating Gain Regimes”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A237 124-140, (1985).

  32. E. Jerby, A. Gover, “Investigation of the Gain Regimes and Gain Parameters of the Free Electron Laser Dispersion Equation”, IEEE J. Quant. Elec. QE-21, 1041-1058 (1985).

  33. I. Shraga, C. Leibovitch, S. Eckhouse, Y. Goren, A. Gover, “Doppler Shifted Cyclotron Maser Radiation Pumped by an Asymmetric Undulator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 936-938 (1985).

  34. A. Aharoni, A. Gover, K. M. Jassby, Optical Detection of SAW:  “Near Field Analysis of the Knife Edge Technique”, Appl. Optics, 24, 3018-3027 (1985).

  35. B. Steinberg, A. Gover, S. Ruschin, “Unified Analysis of Absolute and Convective Instabilities in Stimulated Compton-Raman Scattering and Free Electron Lasers,” Phy. Rev. A33, 421-434 (1986).

  36. I. Shraga, Y. Goren, C. Leibovitch, S. Eckhouse, A. Gover, “Experimental Demonstration of Longitudinal Wiggler Free Electron Laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, (No. 21) 1412-1414 (1986).

  37. A. Gover, E. Jerby, J. E. LaSala, D. A. G. Deacon “Feasibility of High Gain X-Ray Free Electron Laser” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Special issue on FELs-A250, 183-191 (1986).

  38. E. Jerby, A. Gover “A Kinetic Small Signal Gain Analysis of a Plannar Wiggler FEL Operating in the High Harmonic (Strong Wiggler) Regime” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Special issue on FELs-A250, pp. 192-202 (1986).

  39. R.Z. Olshan, A. Gover, S. Ruschin, H. Kleinman, A. Friedman S. Steinberg, I. Katz “Experimental Results of Nonrelativistic Electron Beam Trapping and Energy Transfer in A Compton Scattering Free Electron Laser Scheme” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Special issue on FELs-A250, pp. 244-253 (1986).

  40. R.Z. Olshan, A. Gover, S. Ruschin, H. Kleinman “Observation of Electron Trapping and Phase-Area Displacement in the Interaction between an Electron Beam and Two Counterpropagating Laser Beams” Phys Rev. Lett. , 58, 483-486 (1987).

  41. A. Gover, A. Amir, L. R. Elias “Laser Line Broadening Due to Classical and Quantum Noise and the Free-Electron-Laser Linewidth” Phys Rev. A 35, 164-173 (1987).

  42. B. Steinberg, A. Gover, S. Ruschin “Three Dimensional Theory of Free Electron Lasers in the Collective Regime” Phys. Rev. A 36, 147-163 (1987).

  43. R.Z. Olshan, S. Ruschin, A. Gover, H. Kleinman, B. Lissak, Z. Sheena “Recent Measurements of Electron Trapping and Phase Area Displacement of Nonrelativistic Electrons Employing an Electromagnetic Wiggler” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research-Special issue on FEL, A259, 119-124 (1987).

  44. A. Gover, A. Friedman, A. Luccio “Three Dimensional Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Super-Radiant Harmonic Emission in an FEL (Optical Klystron)”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research-Special issue on FEL, A259, 163-176 (1987).

  45. E. Jerby, A. Gover, S. Ruschin, H. Kleinmanm, I. Ben-Zvi, J. S. Sokolowski, S. Eckhouse, Y. Goren. Y. Shiloh “A Proposal for a Tandem Accelerator FEL Experiment” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research-Special issue on FEL, A259, 263-268 (1987).

  46. A. Friedman, A. Gover, S. Ruschin, G. Kurizki, A. Yariv “Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission from Quasi-Free Electrons” Reviews of Modern Physics, 60, 471-535 (April 1988).

  47. I. Ben Zvi, A. Gover, E. Jerby, J. S. Sokolowski, J. Wachtel “Design of a Tandem Accelerator Free Electron Laser” Nucl. Inst. and Methods in Physics Res., A268, 561-566 (1988).

  48. E. Jerby, A. Gover “A Linear Three-Dimensional Model for Free Electron Laser Amplifiers” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Special Issue on FEL, A272, 380-385 (1988).

  49. S.K. Dutt, A. Friedman, A. Gover, C. Pellegrini “Three-Dimensional Simulation of High Harmonic Transverse Optical Klystron” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Special Issue on FEL, A272, pp. 564-573 (1988).

  50. R.Z. Olshan, A. Gover, S. Ruschin, H. Kleinman, A. Friedman “Experimental Observation and Investigation of Energy Exchange Between an Electron Beam and Counter-Propagating Laser Beams in a Compton Scattering FEL Scheme” Phys. Rev. A 38, 5206-5216 (1988).

  51. E. Jerby, A. Gover “Interpretation of Wave-Profile Modification Measurements in High Gain Raman FEL Experiments,” Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A285, 128-131 (1989).

  52. Z. Sheena, S. Ruschin, A. Gover, H. Kleinman “Experimental Study of the Interaction of an Electron Beam with the Ponderomotive Potential of Laser Beats” Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A285, pp. 239-245 (1989).

  53. Z. Sheena, A. Gover, S. Ruschin “Simulation and Animation of Electron Motion in the Ponderomotive Potential of Laser Beats” Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A285,  pp. 224-227 (1989).

  54. E. Jerby, A. Gover “Wave Profile Modification in Free Electron Lasers:  Space - Charge Transverse Fields and Optical Guiding” Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 864-867 (1989).

  55. Z. Sheena, S. Ruschin, A. Gover, H. Kleinman “High Efficiency Non-Adiabatic Trapping of Electrons in the Ponderomotive Potential Wells of Lasers Beat”, J. of Quant. Electron. 26, 203-206 (1990).

  56. I. Ben-Zvi, B. V. Elkonin, A. Fruchtman, J. S. Sokolowski, A. Gover, E. Jerby, H. Kleinman, B. Mandelbaum, A. Rosenberg, J. Shiloh, G. Hazak, O. Shahal “Status of the Rehovot EN Tandem Accelerator FEL” Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A287, 93-98 (1990).

  57. A. Gover, E. Jerby, H. Kleinman, I. Ben-Zvi, B. V. Elkonin, A. Fruchtman, J. S. Sokolowski, B. Mandelbaum, A. Rosenberg, J. Shiloh, G. Hazak, O. Shahal “Development of a Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator Quasi-CW FEL” Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. , A296, 720-727 (1990).

  58. A. Gover, A. Friedman, A. Drobot “Electrostatic Free Electron Lasers Have Many Uses”, Laser Focus World, pp. 95-104 (Oct. 1990).

  59. Y. Pinhasi and A. Gover “Gain Analysis of a Strong-Pump FEL Operating at the Fundamental and High Harmonics”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. , A304, 481-486 (1991).

  60. M. Cohen, A. Gover and S. Ruschin “A Scheme for XUV Generation Based on a Laser-Pumped FEL with an Axial Electric Field”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. , A304,  673-678 (1991).

  61. M. Keselbrener, S. Ruschin, B. Lissak, A. Gover “Numerical Studies of Resonators with On-Axis Holes in Mirrors for FEL Application”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. , A304,  782-785 (1991).

  62. A. Gover, A. Halperin “Comment on Compact Short-Wavelength Free Electron Laser”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1934 (1991).

  63. Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, R. W. B. Best, and M. J. van der Wiel, “Transverse mode excitation and coupling in a waveguide free electron laser”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. In Phys. Res., A318, 523-527 (1992).

  64. W.H. Urbanus, P. W. van Amersfroot, R. W. B. Best, A. B. Sterk, A. G. A. Verhoeven, M. J. van der Wiel, N. H. Lazar, H. Boehmer, A. Gover, Y. Pinhasi, E. Jerby, “A free-electron maser for thermonuclear fusion”, Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res., A318, 16-19 (1992).

  65. Y. Neuman, H. Kleinman, and A. Gover, “A new method for measuring the magnetic field in microwiggler based on magnetic taperecording”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A331, 695-700 (1993).

  66. A. Gover, “An Israeli FEL Project”, Israel Energy News, Summer, p. 6-10, (1993).

  67. Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, “Coupled mode theory of Langmuir space-charge waves for a general e-beam and waveguide cross-sections”, Phys. Rev., E48, 3925-3929 (1993).

  68. A. Gover, F. V. Hartemann, G. P. Le Sage, N. C. Luhmann, R. S. Zhang, C. Pellegrini, “Time and Frequency Domain analysis of superradiant coherent synchrotron radiation in a wave-guide free-electron laser”, Phys. Rev. Letters, 72 , 1192-1195 (1994).

  69. A. Halperin, A. Gover, A. Yariv, “Electron Beam Induced Super Radiant Emission from a Grating”, Phys. Rev., A50, 3316-3321 (1994).

  70. Y. Pinhasi, M. Cohen, A. Gover, “Three-Dimensional Codes for Simulating e Beam Transport and FEL Operation Including Space Charge Effects”, Int'l Journal of Electronics, 78, 581-590 (1995).

  71. I.M. Yakover, Y. Pinhasi, and A. Gover, “Resonator Design and Characterization for the Israeli Tandem Electrostatic FEL Project”, Nuclear Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. , A358 , 323-326 (1995).

  72. Y. Pinhasi and A. Gover, “Three-dimensional coupled-mode theory for free electron laser in the collective regime”, Phys. Rev. E, 51, 2472-2479 (1995).

  73. Y. Pinhasi and A. Gover, “Mode-locked supper-radiant free-electron laser oscillator”, Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res., A358, 86-89 (1995).

  74. M. Cohen, A. Kugel, D. Chairman, M. Arbel, H. Kleinman, D. Ben-Haim, A. Eichenbaum, M. Draznin, Y. Pinhasi, Y. Yakover, A. Gover, “FEM experiment with pre-bunched beam”, Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res., A358, 82-85 (1995).

  75. M. Cohen, A. Eichenbaum, M. Arbel, D. Ben-Haim, H. Kleinman, M. Draznin, A. Kugel, I. M. Yakover, and A. Gover, “Masing and Single Mode-Locking in a Free Electron Maser Employing Prebunched Electron Beam”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74 , 3812-3815 (1995).

  76. M. Cohen, A. Gover, “Effects of azimuthal and radial spreads of canonical momentum on electron-beam focusing characteristics in the presence of space charge forces”, J. Appl. Phys. , 78 , 16-24 (1995).

  77. I. M. Yakover, Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, “Theoretical Investigation of a Free-Electron Maser Operating with a TEM Transmission Line”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., 44, No.  607-613, 4 Apr. (1996).         

  78. Y. Pinhasi, I. M. Yakover, A.L. Eichenbaum, A. Gover, “Efficient Electrostatic-Accelerator Free-Electron Masers for Atmospheric Power Beaming”, IEEE trans. on Plasma Science 24, 1050-1057 (1996)

  79. I.M. Yakover, Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, “Study of Waveguide Resonators for FEL Operating at Submillimeter Wavelengths”, Nuclear Inst. and Meth. In Phys. Res. A375, 260-263, (1996).

  80. M. Cohen, A.L. Eichenbaum, H. Kleinman, D. Chairman, , A. Gover, “Report on First Masing and Single Mode Locking in a Prebunched Beam FEM Oscillator”, Nuclear Inst. and Meth. In Phys. Res. A375, 17-20, (1996).

  81. Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, “Transverse Mode Coupling and Supermode Establishment in a Free Electron Laser Oscillator”, Nuclear Inst. and Meth. In Phys. Res. A375, 233-236, (1996).

  82. A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, V. Sterngratz, L. Gilutin, H. Kleinman, A.L. Eichenbaum, I.M. Yakover, M. Cohen, A. Gover, B. Levush, T.M. Antonsen, V.L. Granatstein, “Measurements and simulation of the radiation build-up process in a prebunched free-electron maser oscillator”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Phys. Res. A375, 164-168, (1996).

  83. M. Cohen, A. Eichenbaum, H. Kleinman, D. Chairman, A. Gover, “Single-mode selection and axial mode control in a free-electron maser oscillator using a prebunched electron beam”, Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 54, 4178-4187, (1996).

  84. Y. Pinhasi, V. Shterngartz and A. Gover, “Theory and simulation of transverse supermode evolution in a free-electron laser oscillator”, Phys. Rev. E 54, 6774-6779, (1996).

  85. A.L. Eichenbaum, A. Abramovich, M. Arbel, M. Cohen, L. Gilutin, A. Gover, H. Kleinman, Y. Pinhasi, S. Volkovich, I.M. Yakover, “Performance Improvement of FEMs by Prebunching of the Electron Beam”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A 393, pp.361-365, (1997)

  86. A. Abramovich, M. Arbel, L. Gilutin, H. Kleinman, A.L. Eichenbaum, I.M. Yakover, Y. Pinhasi, I. Marhasine, A. Gover, “Visualization and Simulation of Electron Beam Transport Along a FEL Planar Wiggler”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A 393, pp.419-425, (1997)

  87. Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, “A unified analysis of spontaneous and super-radiant emissions in free-electron lasers”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A 393, pp.343-347, (1997).

  88. I.M. Yakover, Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, “Spontaneous emission in waveguide free-electron masers near waveguide cutoff”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A 393, pp. 316-322, (1997).

  89. A. Abramovich, A. Arensburg,  D. Chairman, A.L. Eichenbaum, M. Draznin, A. Gover, H. Kleinman, I. Merhasin, Y. Pinhasi, J.S. Sokolowski, I.M. Yakover, M. Cohen, L.A. Levin, O. Shahal, A. Rosenberg, I. Schnitzer, J. Shiloh,  “Lasing and radiation mode dynamics in a Van de Graaff accelerator FEL with an internal cavity”, Applied Physics Lett. 71, 3776-3778 (1997).

  90. A. Abramovich, A. Arensburg, D. Chairman, A.L. Eichenbaum, M. Draznin, A. Gover, H. Kleinman, I. Merhasin, Y. Pinhasi, J.S. Sokolowski, Y.M. Yakover, M. Cohen, L.A. Levin, O. Shahal, A. Rosenberg, I. Schnitzer, J. Shiloh, “First operation of the Israeli Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator Free-Electron Laser”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A 407, pp. 16-20, (1998).

  91. A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, Y.M. Yakover, J.S. Sokolowski, A. Gover, “Simulation of predicted performance and interpretation of radiation measurements on the Israeli tandem free-electron laser”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A 407, pp. 81-86, (1998).

  92. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, M. Arbel, L. Gilutin, H. Kleinman, A.L. Eichenbaum, Y.M. Yakover, A. Gover, “Experimental investigation of mode build-up and mode competition process in a prebunched free-electron maser oscillator”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A 407, pp. 87-94, (1998).

  93. L. Gilutin, A. Abramovich, M. Arbel, A.L. Eichenbaum, A. Gover, H. Kleinman, Y. Pinhasi, Y.M. Yakover, “Free electron maser oscillations near waveguide cutoff”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A 407, pp. 95-101, (1998).

  94. I. Merhasin, A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, A. Gover, J.S. Sokolowski, “Optimization of the electron-beam transport in the Israeli tandem FEL”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A 407, pp.350-355, (1998).

  95. A. Abramovich, M. Canter, A. Gover, J.S. Sokolowski, Y.M. Yakover, Y. Pinhasi, I. Schnitzer, J. Shiloh, “High spectral coherence in long pulse and continuous free electron laser measurements and theoretical limitations”, Phys. Rev. Lett.,82, pp. 5257-5260, (1999).

  96. A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, H. Kleinman, A. Eichenbaum, Y. Yakover, A. Gover, “Efficiency enhancement of a pre-bunched FEM oscillator by locking to a single eigenfrequency of the resonator”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A429, pp. 107-110, (1999).

  97. A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, Y. Yakover, A. Gover, J. Sokolowski, M. Canter, “Study of radiation build-up and spectral evolution in the Israeli electrostatic accelerator FEL oscillator”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A429, pp. 101-106, (1999).

  98. A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, H. Kleinman, A.L. Eichenbaum, Y.M. Yakover, A. Gover, “Efficiency enhancement of Free Electron Maser Oscillator by mode selection with a prebunched electron –beam”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 16-18, (2000).

  99. M. Arbel, A.L. Eichenbaum, Y. Pinhasi, Y. Lurie, M. Tecimer, A. Abramovich, H. Kleinman, A. Gover, “Super-radiance in a prebunched beam free electron maser”, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A445, pp. 247-252, (2001).

  100. M.V. Krongauz, Y. Pinhasi, M. Tecimer, A. Gover, “Power, bistability and post-saturation optimization in a pre-bunched free electron laser” Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. A445, pp. 28-33, (2000).

  101.  M. Arbel, A. Abramovich, A.L. Eichenbaum, A. Gover, H. Kleinman, Y. Pinhasi, I.M. Yakover, “Super-Radiant and stimulated super-radiant emission in a Pre-Bunched Beam Free Electron Maser”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, p 2561-2564 (2001).

  102. A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, A. Yahalom, D. Bar-Lev, S. Efimov, A. Gover, “Optimization of power output and study of electron beam energy spread in a Free Electron Laser oscillator”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. In Phys. Res. A475, pp. 579-582, (2001).

  103. M. Tecimer, M. Canter, S. Efimov, A. Gover, J. Sokolowski, “Design and beam transport simulations of a multistage collector for the Israeli EA-FEM”, Nucl. Inst. and Methods in Phys. Res. A475, pp. 574-578 (2001).

  104. M. Arbel, A.L. Eichenbaum, H. Kleinman, I.M. Yakover, A. Abramovich, Y. Pinhasi, Y. Lurie, M. Tecimer, A. Gover, “Enhancement of FEM radiation by prebunching of the e-beam (stimulated super-radiance)” Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A475, pp. 303-307 (2001).

  105. M. Arbel, A.L. Eichenbaum, Y. Pinhasi, Y. Lurie, A. Abramovich, H. Kleinman, I.M. Yakover, A. Gover, “Enhanced super-radiant emission of FEM near waveguide-cutoff and near zero-slippage conditions”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 483, pp. 220-224 (2002).

  106. B. Kapilevich, A. Feingarsh and A. Gover, “Accurate Determination of Q-Factors of a Quasi Optical Resonator”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp.303-306 (2003).

  107. A. Gover, A. Faingersh, A. Eliran, M. Volshonok, H. Kleinman, S. Wolowelsky, Y. Yakover, B. Kapilevich,Y. Lasser, Z. Seidov, M .Kanter, A. Zinigrad, M. Einat, Y. Lurie, A. Abramovich, A. Yahalom, Y. Pinhasi, E. Weisman, J. Shiloh, “Radiation Measurements in the New Tandem Accelerator FEL”, Nucl. Inst. and Methods in Physics Res. A528 pp. 23-27 (2004).

  108. M. Tecimer, D. Oepts, R. Wuensch, A. Gover, " Study of partial-waveguide rf-linac FELs for intense THz-pulse generation", Nucl. Inst. And Methods in Phys. Res. A528, pp. 139-145 (2004).

  109. A. Gover, “Superradiant and stimulated superradiant emission in prebunched electron-beam radiators – part I: Formulation”, Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams Vol. 8, issue 3 (030701) (2005).

  110. A. Gover, E. Dyunin, Y. Lurie, Y. Pinhasi, M. V. Krongauz, “Superradiant and stimulated superradiant emission in prebunched electron-beam radiators – part II : Radiation enhancement schemes”, Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams Vol. 8, issue 3 (030702) (2005).

  111. Socol, Y., A. Gover, A. Eliran, M. Volshonok, Y. Pinhasi, B. Kapilevich, A. Yahalom et al. "Coherence limits and chirp control in long pulse free electron laser oscillator." Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 8, no. 8 (2005): 080701.

  112. B. Kapilevich, A. Gover, A.Eliran, "Power Reflectance Measurements of Metal Meshes and Grids Using a Quasi Optical Resonator", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (USA, Wiley InterScience, Vol. 45, no.3, pp.185-188. (2005).

  113. A. Gover, "Superradiant Spin-Flip Radiative Emission of a Spin-Polarized Free Electron Beam", Phys. Rev. Lett.  96, issue 12, 124801 (2006).

  114. A. Gover, "Spin-Polarized Free Electron Beam Interaction with Radiation and Superradiant Spin-Flip Radiative Emission", PR-ST: AB 9, 060703 (2006).

  115. E. Hemsing, A. Gover, J. Rosenzweig, "Virtual dielectric waveguide mode description of a high-gain free electron laser I: Theory", Phys. Rev. A, 77, 063830 (2008).

  116. E. Hemsing, A. Gover, J. Rosenzweig, "Virtual dielectric waveguide mode description of a high-gain free electron laser II: Modeling and numerical simulations", Phys. Rev A: 77,  A 063831 (2008).

  117. E. Dyunin, A. Gover, "The general velocity and current modulation linear transfer matrix of FEL and control over SASE power in the collective regime", Nucl. Inst. And Methods in Phys. Res. A, 593 pp. 49-52, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.04.062  (2008).

  118. E. Hemsing, J. Rosenzweig, A. Gover, "A virtual dielectric eigenmode expansion of high-gain FEL radiation for study of paraxial wave mode coupling", Nucl. Inst. And Meth. In Phys. Res. A., 593, 98-102 (2008).

  119. A. Korenstein-Ilan, A. Barbul, P. Hasin, A. Eliran, A. Gover, R. Korenstein, "THz radiation increases genomic instability in human lymphocytes" Radiation Research 170, 224-234 (2008).

  120. A. Gover, E. Dyunin, "Collective interaction control and reduction of optical frequency shot-noise in charged particle beams", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 154801 (2009).

  121. E. Hemsing, P. Musumeci, S. Reiche, R. Tikhoplav, A. Marinelli, J. B. Rosenzweig, A. Gover, "Helical Electron-Beam Microbunching by Harmonic Coupling in a Helical Undulator", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 174801 (2009).

  122. A. Eliran, A. Gover, Y. Pinhasi, A. Yahalom, Y. Lurie, G. Pinhasi, "Statistical study of undulator radiated power by a classical detection system in the mm-wave regime",  PRST-AB 12, 050701 (2009).

  123. G. Travish, A. Gover, C. Pellegrini, J.B. Rosenzweig, "Guiding of X-rays from inverse Compton scattering as a means to enhance flux and brightness", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 608, S87-S89 (2009).

  124. A. Gover, E. Dyunin, "Coherence limits of Free Electron Lasers". IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 46, pp. 1511-1517 (2010).

  125. A. Nause, E. Dyunin, A. Gover, "Optical frequency Shot- Noise suppression in electron beams: 3-D analysis”, J. of Applied Physics 107, 103101 (2010).

  126. E. Dyunin, A. Nause, A. Gover, "Suppression of Current Shot-Noise and of Spontaneous Radiation Emission in Electron Beams by Collective Coulomb Interaction", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science Vol. 39 No. 10 pp. 2033-2038 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2011.2162853 (2011).

  127. H.S. Marks, M. Volshonok, E. Dyunin, A. Gover, Y. Lasser, R. Shershevski, A. Yahalom, "Wiggler improvement based on single axis magnetic measurement, synthesized 3-D field simulation of trajectories and sorting of lateral focusing magnets”, Nucl. Inst. And Meth. in Phys. Res. A 660 pp.15-21 (2011).

  128.  A. Gover, E. Dyunin, T. Duchovni, A. Nause, "Collective Microdynamics and Noise Suppression in Dispersive Electron Beam Transport", Physics of Plasmas, 18 123102 (2011).

  129. A. Gover, M. Fedurin, A. Nause, E. Dyunin, "Beating the shot-noise limit", Nature Physics, DOI:10.1038/NPHYS2443 Vol. 8, No. 12 pp. 877-880 (Dec. 2012).

  130.  N. Voloch Bloch, Y. Lereah, Y. Lilach, A. Gover, A. Arie, "Generation of electron airy beams", Nature 494, pp.331-335 (2013).  

  131.   A. Nause, E. Dyunin, A. Gover, “Short wavelength limits of current shot noise suppression”, Physics of Plasma 21, 083114 (2014).

  132.   A. Nause, E. Dyunin, R. Ianconescu, A. Gover, “Exact theory of optical transition radiation in the far and near zones”, J. Optical Society Am. B/ Vol. 31, 2438-2445 (2014).

  133.  M. Arbel, A. Gover, A.L. Eichenbaum, H. Kleinman, “Linear model formulation for superradiant and stimulated superradiant prebunched e -beam free-electron lasers”, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 17, 020705 (2014).

  134. A. Nause, E. Dyunin, A. Gover, "Erratum: "Short wavelength limits of current shot noise suppression" [Phys. Plasmas 21, 083114 (2014)], Physics of Plasmas (Vol. 21, Issue 12, 129904). (December 2014).

  135. P. Zhang, L. K. Ang, A. Gover, “Enhancement of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation at terahertz frequency by optimized grating, prebunched beams, and open cavity”, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 18, 020702 (2015).

  136. D. Ratner, E. Hemsing, A. Gover, A. Marinelli, A. Nause, “Subradiant spontaneous undulator emission through collective suppression of shot noise”, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 18, 050703 (2015).

  137. H. S. Marks, A. Gover, D. Borodin, A. Damti, M. Kanter, Y. Lasser, M. Einat, Y. Vashdi, T. Lurie, A. Friedman, “Radiation Power Out-Coupling Optimization of a Free Electron Laser Oscillator”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 64, No. 3 (2016).

  138. N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, J. Duris, I. Gadjev, M. Polyanskiy, I. Pogorelsky, M. Fedurin, C. Swinson, K. Kusche, M. Babzien, A. Gover “High efficiency energy extraction from a relativistic electron beam in a strongly tapered undulator”, P.R.L. 117, 174801 (2016).

  139. E. Curry, S. Fabbri, P. Musumeci, A. Gover, “THz-driven zero-slippage IFEL scheme for phase space manipulation”, New Journal of Physics, 18, 113045, doi:10.1088/1367-2630/18/11/113045 (2016).

  140.  E. Curry, S. Fabbri, P. Musumeci, A. Gover, “THz based phase space manipulation in a zero-slippage IFEL”, arXiv:1603.04942

  141. I. Gadjev, R. Candler, C. Emma, J. Harrison, A. Nause, J. Wu, A. Gover, J. Rosenzweig, "High-gain, Short wavelength FEL in the Raman regime", Nucl. Inst. And Meth. in Phys. Res. A 865 pp. 20-24 (2016).

  142. H.S. Marks, Y. Lurie, E. Dyunin, A. Gover, “Enhancing electron beam radiative energy extraction efficiency in free electron laser oscillators through beam energy ramping”, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (2017).

  143. A. Gover, Y. Pan, “Stimulated radiation interaction of a single electron quantum wavepacket”, arXiv1702.06394 22.2.17

  144. Duris, J., Musumeci, P., Sudar, N., Murokh, A., & Gover, A. (2018). Tapering enhanced stimulated superradiant oscillator. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 21(8), 080705.

  145. Curry, E., Fabbri, S., Maxson, J., Musumeci, P., & Gover, A. (2017). “Relativistic electron beam acceleration in a zero-slippage terahertz-driven Inverse Free Electron Laser scheme”. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.06385.

  146. E. Curry, S. Fabbri, P. Musumeci, A. Gover, “Simulation of 3-D effects in THz-based phase space manipulation”, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 865 pp.67-70 (2017).

  147. A. Gover, R.  Ianconescu, A. Friedman, C. Emma, P. Musumeci, “COHERENT EMISSION FROM A BUNCHED ELECTRON BEAM: SUPER-RADIANCE AND STIMULATED-SUPER-RADIANCE in a uniform and tapered wiggler FEL”, NIMA 865, pp. 25-31 (2017).

  148. A. Gover, Y. Pan, "Dimension-Dependent Stimulated Radiative Interaction of a Single Electron Quantum Wavepacket", Phys. Lett. A 382, pp. 1550-1555 (2018).

  149. Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and stimulated radiative emission of modulated Free Electron Quantum wavepackets - Semiclassical analysis", (2018).

  150. Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and stimulated radiative emission of modulated Free Electron Quantum wavepackets - Semiclassical analysis", J. of Physics communications, 2 115026 (2018).

  151. E. Curry, S. Fabbri, J. Maxson, P. Musumeci, A. Gover, " Meter-Scale Terahertz-Driven acceleration of a relativistic beam", PRL 120, 094801 (2018).

  152.  A. Nause, R. Ianconescu, A.Gover, “Correlated electron beam micro bunching and shot-noise characterization with near-and far-field optical transition radiation”, J. of Optical Society B, 35, (11) pp. 2869-2875, (2018).

  153. H. Marks, A. Gover, "Talbot effect mm-wave resonator for an electrostatic accelerator FEL", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 66, no. 1  (2018).

  154. Cheng, Qingqing, Yiming Pan, Huaiqiang Wang, Chaoshi Zhang, Dong Yu, Avi Gover, Haijun Zhang, Tao Li, Lei Zhou, and Shining Zhu. "Observation of anomalous π modes in photonic Floquet engineering." Physical review letters 122, no. 17 (2019): 173901.

  155. A. Gover, Y. Pan, “Stimulated radiation interaction of a single electron quantum wavepacket”, arXiv1702.06394 22.2.17

  156.  Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and Stimulated Emissions of Quantum Free-Electron Wavepackets - QED Analysis", ArXiv (2018).

  157. Snively, E. C., Xiong, J., Musumeci, P., & Gover, A. “Broadband THz amplification and superradiant spontaneous emission in a guided FEL”. Optics express, 27(15), 20221-20230. (2019).

  158. Y. Pan, B. Zhang, A. Gover, "Anomalous photon-induced near-field electron microscopy" PRL 122, 183204 (2019); 

  159. D. Bar-Lev, R.J. England, K.P. Wootton, W. Liu, A. Gover, , R. Byer, K. J. Leedle, D. Black, J. Scheuer, "Design of a plasmonic metasurface laser accelerator with a tapered phase velocity for subrelativistic particles" PRST-AB 22 021303, (2019).

  160.  Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Spontaneous and stimulated emissions of preformed quantum Free Electron wavefunction", Phys. Rev. A.99, 052107 (2019).

  161. A. Gover, R.  Ianconescu, A. Friedman, C. Emma, N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, C. Pellegrini, "Superradiant and stimulated superradiant emission of bunched electron beams", Reviews of Modern Physics (2019

  162. Y. Pan, A. Gover, "Beyond Fermi's golden rule in Free Electron quantum electrodynamics: acceleration/radiation correspondence", (2019).

  163. Cheng, Qingqing, Yiming Pan, Huaiqiang Wang, Chaoshi Zhang, Dong Yu, Avi Gover, Haijun Zhang, Tao Li, Lei Zhou, and Shining Zhu. "Observation of anomalous π modes in photonic Floquet engineering." Physical review letters 122, no. 17 (2019): 173901.

  164. Gover Avraham, and Amnon Yariv. "Free-electron–bound-electron resonant interaction." Physical Review Letters 124.6 064801 (2020):.

  165. Ran, D., Zhang, B., Chen, Y.H., Shi, Z.C., Xia, Y., Ianconescu, R., Scheuer, J. and Gover, A.,. Pulse reverse-engineering for strong field-matter interaction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01828 (2020).

  166.  Ran, D., Zhang, B., Chen, Y.H., Shi, Z.C., Xia, Y., Ianconescu, R., Scheuer, J. and Gover, A., “Effective pulse reverse-engineering for strong field-matter interaction”, Optics Letters Vol 45, pp. 3597-3600, (2020).

  167. Gover A, Zhang B, Ran D, Ianconescu R, Friedman A, Scheuer J, Yariv A. Resonant Interaction of Modulation-correlated Quantum Electron Wavepackets with Bound Electron States. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.15756. 2020 Oct 29.

  168. Gover, Avraham, and Amnon Yariv. "Gover and Yariv Reply." Physical Review Letters 126.1 (2021): 019502.

  169. Zhang, B., Ran, D., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2021). Quantum Wave-Particle Duality in Free-Electron–Bound-Electron Interaction. Physical Review Letters, 126(24), 244801.

  170. Pan, Yiming, and Avraham Gover. "Beyond Fermi’s golden rule in free-electron quantum electrodynamics: acceleration/radiation correspondence." New Journal of Physics 23.6 (2021): 063070.

  171. Zhang, B., Ran, D., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2021). Quantum states interrogation using a pre-shaped free electron wavefunction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13130.

  172. Zhang, B., Ran, D., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2022). Quantum state interrogation using a preshaped free electron wavefunction. Physical Review Research, 4(3), 033071.

  173. Ran, D., Zhang, B., Ianconescu, R., Friedman, A., Scheuer, J., Yariv, A., & Gover, A. (2022). Coherent excitation of bound electron quantum state with quantum electron wavepackets. Frontiers in Physics, 547.

  174. Y. Pan, E. Cohen, E. Karimi, A. Gover, I. Kaminer, Y. Aharonov "Weak measurement, projective measurement and quantum-to-classical transitions in electron-photon interactions”, accepted for publication to Light Science and Applications Nature, Nov. 2022, arXiv:1910.11685


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